This week Jesse had a week off before starting his new job so we decided to head to Bocketts Farm and check out all the newborn lambs. Clem however had other ideas, her main priority was to play in as many of the different play areas as she could. She managed to play in most of them before we dragged her off to look at all of the animals. Bocketts Farm is a great place to take kids, it’s even better if they are under 2 as they get in for free. They have everything from pigs including a race, cows, goats, alpacas, llamas, donkeys, rabbits, ducks and due to it being lambing season a lot of newborn lambs. We saw some that were just a few hours old. Although by the time we got to the lambs Clem was getting a bit tired and grumpy but I absolutely loved them.

The play areas are fantastic, the last time we went Clem was a little bit too young for them but this time she absolutely loved them. They have 2 indoor play areas, one with slides and the other has ride on tractors and trampolines. Outside they have massive jumping pillows, as well as various different swings, slides, climbing frames and more go karts. We really did have to drag Clem away from them so we could actually go and see more animals.
We headed off to look at the llamas, alpacas, goats, and watch the pig race. We didn’t take the tractor ride because Clem was getting sleepy and the weather had turned from sunny to showers so we headed inside to the small animal village where we saw rabbits, chicks, guinea pigs and birds. Clem was definitely more interested in the animals this time round, she even fed a few of them and stroked a rabbit. We don’t have any family pets so she isn’t that familiar with animals being up close to her but she did ok.
If you are in the Surrey area then I definitely recommend going to Bocketts Farm. It’s a great day out especially if the weather is good!
Ah, this looks fab. I absolutely love taking A to the nearest farm, he has so much fun! That poor pig feeding 10 at once and I’m worried about just the one!! Thanks for linking to #MarvMondays! Kaye xo