I’m off to BritMums Live 2017 #BML2017


I actually went to Britmums Live last year so this will be my second year attending. However there are quite a few differences this year. Not only do I have a different blog. But the conference is being held in a different venue. It’s still in London but its right by Waterloo now. There are also weekend experiences on offer this year although I sadly can’t take part in any of them. I will be travelling up and back on the day but I am excited for the cruise after the conference.

What’s on the agenda for BritMums?

The finalised programme for the day came out today and I’ve already worked out what sessions I want to attend.

  • Facebook for bloggers session. Facebook is probably my weakest of all the social media channels so any advice would be great on that.
  • Smash your goals with Aby. As I have mentioned in previous posts I’ve signed up for a few of the blogging courses run by Aby so hopefully this will be help me get some structure and organised.
  • Instagram and Instastories. I absolutely love Instagram, it is by far my favourite social channel. I love photography, and documenting our lives. However Instastories is a whole other ballgame! I am not one for talking on camera, but I love watching others. Maybe this session will help me overcome my fear of it.
  • Instagram Styling. Yep another Instagram related one, but this time all about styling your flat-lays and perfect portraits.
  • Pinterest : creating great content to increase traffic. Pinterest is the social channel I am currently working on. My views are going up on there but I need to somehow bring those over to my blog. So fingers crossed this will help me with that.

So as you can see I’m not going for the in-depth 3 hour sessions. I’m going for the shorter ones, but I’m hoping they will keep my concentration. Hopefully I come away from the day with some new information, and not just a very tired brain!

After attending last year my mission this is to be a bit more confident.

That’s me, so if you see me please say hello. I was very much a newbie last year, I guess I still sort of am. I don’t blog regularly but I have been blogging for a while now. I’m also going to dress comfortably. No silly shoes, it’s flats or trainers for me. I’ll also probably be dressed in either jeans or a dungaree dress. I’m also taking a backpack instead of the silly bag I took last year. I cannot stress how important comfort is. Last year there was a lot of going up and down stairs, this year there will be walking to and from the train station, pier for the boat.


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