Mama Uniform – Do you have one?


Do you have a mama uniform? Are there certain items of clothing that you own that you wear over and over again? Please tell me I am not the only one who is guilty of having a mama uniform. I can usually be found wearing either jeans, leggings with shorts over, a denim dungaree dress or my dungarees. The top half is usually something with stripes on or a t-shirt from small independent company usually run by another mum. On my feet my Adventure Time dc’s or a beaten up pair of vans. I live in skate shoes because they are comfy.

mama uniform collage

When I first became a mum I thought I should probably grow up, or at least dress like one. But that isn’t me. I don’t wear fancy dresses, or proper shoes. Cheaper high street shops like primark, new look or h&m are my go to for clothes. In fact I’d never even heard of Zara before becoming a mum! Now I think it’s great, especially for kids clothes. Ever since my late teens I’ve had brightly coloured hair but when I became a mum I thought I should probably stop dyeing it silly colours.

The problem was I didn’t feel comfortable with ‘normal’ coloured hair. However I felt like people wouldn’t take me seriously as a mum if I had bright pink hair, or grotty old jeans on. I soon learnt that I really shouldn’t care what other people think.


I saw this recently and it describes me so well. My hair is currently a mix of purple/pink and dark roots. I have tattoos, with my most recent one being done earlier this year. I’m obsessed with pins and badges. I also have a slight unhealthy obsession with mama merch. One of the problems with Instagram is that I keep finding new ones to buy things from. I’ve listed a few of my favourites below.

Do you like supporting other mums who sell products online? I would love to know your favourite places to buy clothes from. Maybe I can move away from stripes one day!

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