Brit Mums Live 2016 #BML16


Randomly one night when I was looking at twitter I saw a tweet from Britmums about tickets for #BML16 going on sale. I ummed and ahhed for a while about getting one, and then suddenly I had pressed buy and my confirmation email was in my inbox!


I’m not exactly new to blogging now, I’ve been doing it for about 18 months I guess but I am definitely not a serious blogger. My posting schedule is none existent, I might be obsessed with Instagram and Twitter but I don’t have a theme and I certainly don’t promote my blog enough. I have a blog facebook page I never post to and I pin but I don’t really know what I’m doing. I see other bloggers who have only been going for a few months and are way more successful and better than me. So what on earth possessed me to buy a ticket to a blogging conference?! Well I’m not quite sure but I am excited about going.

The lovely people at Britmums have made a linky so you can stalk other people who are also going. It will actually be very handy for me as I’ve never met another blogger or been to any type of blog event ever. I only live 25 minutes from London so I am only going for the day. I’ve seen a few people are getting hotels, doing the welcome drinks on Friday but I won’t be doing that. I will just be around on the Saturday.

Attending #BML16

My name: Ky, that is not my real name but it is what everyone calls me. When I was younger my nickname was Kylie. I quickly lost the ‘lie’ bit which was nice as then people stopped singing ‘I should be so lucky’ at me.

My blog: Clementine Rocks. Hopefully you are currently looking at it, otherwise I’m not sure how you are reading this post! I planned to start blogging during my pregnancy but never got round to it. Once Clem was born I started it as a great way of keeping family updated on what we were doing and how Clem was getting on. Now it’s turned into a place where I write about anything and everything. Days out, health, recipes, tips, my love of stationery and music.

Find me on social media at:

Twitter: @clem_rocks



Pinterest: Clemrocks

How I look: short (5’3), glasses, probably brightly coloured hair. Yeah I might be 33 this year but I’ve never really grown out of my late teenage-early twenties goth/emo phase.  I do have a hair cut booked for the day before so hopefully it won’t be looking too bad. I might even attempt to put some make up on. It will probably make me look less tired, or like a clown. I’m not that great at makeup.

its me

Is this my first blogging event? Yes and I’m terrified! I’m still not sure what came over me when I decided to buy my ticket. I have social anxiety, and even now with just over a month to go, the thought of being in a room with 500 other people is terrifying! I’ve been assured there are lots of other newbies there so *fingers crossed* I’m not the only one.

I will be wearing… Probably something stripey. It’s what I always wear, and jeans and my trusty vans. I am not a girly girl. I’m definitely not clued up on fashion and there’s no way I would/could wear heels. I think I’ve only ever worn them twice/three times in my life and those were probably weddings. I might wear a dress, it all depends on the weather.

What I hope to gain from #BML16: Having looked at the various sessions and talks that are taking place I would love to improve my knowledge of SEO, Pinterest and analytics. Meeting a few other bloggers would be nice too!

My tips for a great conference: As a first timer I don’t really have one. I do plan on wearing comfortable shoes though. Oh and I am also taking a notebook (or two), a few pens and my phone/camera.

So if are also going to #BML16 and you happen to see a short, ageing emo with bright hair, wearing glasses, stripes and looking extremely nervous then it’s probably me. If it isn’t then I will be very surprised. Please say hello if you see me about, I’ll try not to look to shocked if you do.


  1. Fab learning more about you as hope to catch you there 🙂 I’ll be going too, for the second time. It was great fun last year even though I too was a relative newbie 🙂

  2. It’ll be great! Looking forward to meeting you in our tribal group. Don’t be nervous, although I will be on the day, it’ll be so much fun. Claire x

  3. Oh Ky it will be fab to meet you! I think lots of us are feeling the same sense of trepidation – I’m a newbie too but am ridiculously excited about Britmums – I keep forgetting that I’m going there to learn something – the networking (and cocktails!) seems far too high on my priority list! See you there lovely xx #triballove

    1. Haha I can’t wait to meet you too! Cocktails and networking are all important too. You need a bit of fun after all the learning. x

  4. Oh yes, it sounds like there will be lots of nervous people, hopefully it will be easy to relax once there and saying hello. I think linking up with someone early is helpful so that you don’t feel nervous on your own but then that’s what we’re all here for!! Very interesting to hear about your blog – I too have been going for quite a long time but have no schedule, little promotion plans etc. Things have evolved as I’ve done the odd bit here and there but there is no way I would have had the energy to do it all in a few months. Sometimes I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb so glad to hear you’re a longterm one too! #triballove

    1. Oh yes, I’m a bit too lazy for blogging if I’m completely honest but I do enjoy it. I wish I could spend more time on it, but I only really get the evenings.

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