I actually cannot believe we are already 5 days into December. It feels like it was only summer a few days ago, the last few months have flown by! I am usually quite prepared at this time of year but with moving so close to Christmas, this year I am extremely behind. We haven’t even started to think about christmas presents and what we are going to get people. So in an attempt to get into the festive mood we spent the weekend going to a few markets.
The first one was organised by the wonderful people at Brighton Etsy . This was the first time I have attended an Etsy market and it was great. Almost 100 local people selling their amazing products. There was so much I could have bought. I actually came away with a good little haul, but it was mostly for myself. Opps. But I did discover some great etsy shops which I will definitely be checking out. I couldn’t believe how busy it was. Despite there being a massive queue outside, it only took about 10 minutes to get in. I spent a good hour or so wandering around. I did attempt to take photos but it was super busy which made it really difficult.

One of the stalls that I really wanted to check out was designosauryeah as I have followed them on twitter and instagram for a while. I also love dinosaurs, so I picked up a glittery badge and some raptor earrings. I also got a super cute badge from Show your bones. Geometric prints, shapes and patterns keep catching my eye lately and the monochrome badge I got is perfect for a bag or a jacket. The prints and Barb postcard were from Porkchops papercuts. This guy had loads of cool prints and cards I could have got, so I will definitely be getting something from him again.
That postcard was actually a lady’s business card, but I love the quote so much, so will definitely frame it or keep it on my pinboard, for those moments when I have a little confidence wobble. If there is ever an etsy market near you then definitely go and check it out. Support local independent artists and makers.
The second market of the weekend involved spending time in a pub, which made it pretty easy to persuade Jesse to come along. Our local Brewdog pub was holding a little christmas market with about 10 stalls, so a lot smaller than the day before. But again all independent, local businesses/makers/artists. We picked up a really cute animal alphabet poster for Clem’s room, and two prints for the lounge wall. Now that we have more wall space, we are trying to fill it with prints and photos. Now I’m not really a big drinker but Jesse absolutely loves craft beers and ales so Brewdog is one of his favourite places to go. We ended up having lunch in there and the food was pretty good too. Clem demolished the portion of chips and avocado that came with my burger pretty quickly.
So my attempt to start my christmas shopping ended up with me buying more for myself than others, but at least I got into the festive spirit. Now I guess I should really start. Has anyone else not started yet or is it just me? I’ve seen loads of people with their trees up, we haven’t done that yet either. We need to go and get a tree first, then find the decorations which were thrown up in the loft when we moved.