ARGHHH! How is it October tomorrow? Seriously this year is just flying by. September was filled with beautiful blue seas, holidays and lots of sunshine. We went on another holiday to Mallorca, which was amazing. I have tried not to spam too much but seriously, look at that sea. It’s too gorgeous not to share.
Beach time

The month started off pretty sunny in the UK as well, but soon Autumn had well and truly kicked in. One day we were walking to school in t-shirts, the next the rain coats and wellie boots were out. I ordered a new pair of sandals, weird time I know, but they were perfect for holiday. Also they will be good for next year. I can definitely recommend Salt water sandals. After seeing a few people wearing them on Instagram, I noticed they had a sale on, and my old sandals were falling apart so I couldn’t resist.

As well as enjoying the beach at home and in Mallorca we’ve managed to squeeze in a few trips to the park. Now that Clem is going to pre-school 3 days a week, it means the days she doesn’t go we have to fit as much as possible in. There have also been a few visits to the doctors this month. Both for myself and for Clem. Throughout the whole of this month at least one of us has been ill. Some people hate going to the doctors but I actually don’t mind ours. It’s built inside an old church and they have actually kept the old features, so it’s really pretty. I also managed to finally sort out my desk area.
The images are gorgeous! I can not believe now we have to say bye October, hello November!