I’m always a little bit slow at writing these posts. But here is a little look back on June and July. Looking back over the photos I took both of the months were filled with sunshine, blue sky and weddings. Not ours, but friends. I also had my first, second and many more sea swims of the summer.
June started off with the end of Clem being on half-term so we did what we always do and headed to SeaLife Brighton. We have been many times before, but we were excited to go again. The big tank had been closed for almost 6 months due to renovation work they were doing and it had finally re-opened. It now has a really big window which you can sit by and watch the sharks, fish and sea turtles swim around. We were also invited back to the SeaLife centre at the end of July for a very special event.
Mermaids Vs Pirates
Every time there is a half-term the centre does a particular theme. This summer it is Pirates vs Mermaids. For two weekends this summer they have some special guests making appearances throughout the weekend. The first was in July but the other one is at the end of August, the 24th and 25th to be exact. They have mermaids doing special dives in the big tank at various times throughout the day. Unfortunately you cannot book specific tickets for the mermaid show. But I do recommend turning up early in the day and getting your wristband for it. You can leave the centre and return throughout the day.
The weather was pretty good for both months, with summer well and truly arriving. Although it does seem to have disappeared already. We have spent a lot of time on the beach, either with friends or by myself. I’ve been sea swimming quite a bit which I am really liking. I’m not usually a fan of the sea when I can’t see the bottom but it’s actually been quite clear. There’s something refreshing and mind clearing about swimming in the sea. It might just be because it takes your breath away as soon as you get in. Although the sea temperature was definitely going up by the end of July.
Two weddings, a night out and some great food
June and July were definitely busy months. We went to two weddings, I went to see an all womens wrestling show in Brighton followed by an emo night. I’m glad I have no photo evidence of that. I was a sweaty mess shouting along to classics from My Chemical Romance and more. I definitely felt like one of the oldest people in the club but I had a great time! We also had a beach bbq with friends and Clem finished her first year of school! When she goes back in September she will be in Year 1.
In January we decided to try going vegetarian, and apart from a few times where I’ve given in to a McDonalds chicken nugget craving we have stuck with it. Being a vegetarian, or a vegan, in Brighton is very easy. There are quite a few meat-free restaurants. One of our favourite places to eat is Baby Bao, on Mondays it does a completely vegan menu. Back in June they joined forces with Humble Plates for an evening bao and burgers. The result was pretty damn good.