Now admittedly 2018 wasn’t exactly the most productive in terms of blogging. I lost my way a lot, and life got in the way got a lot. However I was tagged by Laura Summers to take part in the Top 7 of 2018 tag. Started by Tracey aka One Frazzled Mum it’s pretty simple to take part. All you need to do is;
- Your Favourite 7 Posts from 2018. They can be any posts at all that you are proud of.
- 7 Things You Loved The Most About 2018. Whether you visited somewhere, or just had one of those moments you will never forget, if you loved it, list it!
- 7 Things You Are Looking Forward to in 2019. Whether those plans are set in stone or you something you would like to do this year, share with us.
- Tag 7 Bloggers to Take Part. Share the love and tag 7 others who would like to take part.
- Say Thanks. Link back to the person who tagged you and/or myself so people know where to find the tag to join in too.
Top 7 Posts of 2018
- My top tips for beating the January blues
- It snowed on the beach
- A colourful walk around Brighton
- The day I discovered the best pancakes ever
- Snails took over the city for a couple of months
- Our Summer adventures
- A weekend in Rome

7 Things I Loved The Most in 2018
- Clem started school in reception class and absolutely loves it. I was really worried about her going as she is a summer baby and one of, possibly the youngest in her class. However she has made new friends, her writing and speech are both coming on in leaps and bounds.
- In October myself and Jesse went away on a three day break without Clem. It was our first time away without her, and it was lovely. Obviously we spent most of our time missing her but the break was nice.
- The summer. We finally had good weather, and we made the most of it. We spent a lot of time on the beach or in the local parks.
- Camping in the New Forrest. It’s now the second time we have done it and we love it. Although waking up to horses trying to get into your tent isn’t great.

- I finally made it to a Secret Cinema, and it was for one of my favourite films as a teen – Baz Lurhmanns Romeo and Juliet. It was so much fun.
- I saw Hamilton in February and it was amazing! As soon as it was announced for London and tickets went on sale my friend managed to get them. We waited over a year to see it and it was definitely worth it.

- I pushed my social anxiety to one side and joined a bunch of strangers to do a colour photography walk around Brighton and London. The weather for the Brighton one was grey and cold, London was the opposite and possibly the hottest day of the year!
7 Things I Am Looking Forward To In 2019
- I am trying to concentrate more on myself this year. Both physically and mentally. Last year wasn’t great for both so hopefully I can improve on both this year.
- We have lived in our house for 2 years now and this year we are planning to extend our kitchen/diner into the side return. The plans are already in motion, and the first step has been taken. Although I’m not sure on how we are going to cope without a kitchen for a while!
- Spending time with friends and family. My mum is coming to visit us for a week next month so I’m hoping the weather isn’t too bad for that.
- Seeing Clem continue to enjoy and do well in school and build friendships.
- Sorting out my blog and actually trying to make something of it. I’ve been spending the last few days planning and I am excited. So I really hope I can continue with that.
- Do some online courses to I can feel more confident in my skills, in the hopes of going freelance.
- Continue with the healthy(ish) eating. We are trying to reduce the amount of meat we eat, and so far we are doing pretty well. We used up what we had in the fridge/freezer over the first few few days and I have been cooking more veggie meals. I absolutely love cooking so that’s something else I would like to continue with in 2019.